About NAFS

As  part  of  its  mandate  to  promote  human  development  and  democratic  transition in the Arab region and as a response to the dire conflict in the Syrian Arab Republic, ESCWA  launched  the  National  Agenda  for  the  Future  of  Syria  (NAFS)  in  2012  to  serve  as  a platform  for  dialogue  for  a  network  of  Syrian  stakeholders  coming  from  different communities  and  from  across  the  political  spectrum.  Since its inception, inclusivity, Syrian ownership, impartiality, conflict sensitivity, advocacy and relevance have been the key principles guiding the work of NAFS. Its inclusive approach to enhancing a culture of dialogue and promoting sustainable peace has enabled it to bring Syrians together to develop policy alternatives on the most pressing economic, social and governance issues. To implement its programme, NAFS draws on its Syrian network and partnerships as well as ESCWA expertise in the context of transition and its networks within the United Nations system.